Friday, 29 May 2015

I've never seen anything like it in my life..... as the song says

So here we are at Bardney Lock, in fact only three boats here currently as Clarence arrived later in the evening having brought guests down with them from Lincoln, who then departed on bikes back to Lincoln, and Seyella were entertaining their guests somewhere else.

Yarwood on the L and Clarence on the R

This was the view of them last night.  

This morning we joined Lesley for a walk with the Boys, her two labs Fletcher & Floyd.  But passing the lock.....

I was flabbergasted to see this.

Lesley having a go to free the trapped bit behind the gate.

We spent about 20 minutes pushing and pulling, filling the lock then emptying it to no avail.  I called CaRT and we left them to it.

We walked down the lovely "Water Railway Line" which is now a biking route right along this section of the Witham river that was formally a railway line, lost in the Beeching Rail cuts of the early 1960's.
We went to the church which has an exhibition in one corner all about the important Abbey which is here.  There is a great butchers which sells pies, which we brought and took home for lunch.  Really really good.

Many wartime airfields in Lincolnshire.

And lastly this animal pen still maintained for stray animals that you had to pay a fine to have released.

Lamb Goan Xacuti curry for supper.


  1. Hoorah. Lovely pics and the first to have too much time on your hands! Has it warmed up yet? My cheeks are glowing here it The Catherine Wheel at Goring. Not sure if it's the warmth or the wine!? Stay safe, Louise x

  2. Hello Louise,
    Yes shocking day here today so I have done some blogging to catch up a bit. Nope not warmed up here, well not until the central heating goes on (Morning and night). Lincolnshire has masses and masses of history for us history loving buffs, but its cold.
    We are envious of you in sun hats and bikinis!
