Wednesday, 25 May 2016

A step back in time

Now for Purests in the blogging world this post may annoy you a bit.  I have to confess that we are home again and having photos on three devices, its proving tricky for me to get thing exactly in the correct order.  But on the plus side you can be assured all the photos are of the Shropshire Union Canal, just different sections of it.
Normal service will be resumed shortly.

Now these two boats will need little introduction from me, its President and its Butty Kildare, but if you don't know look 
HERE  On their generally way to the Crick Boat Show I would think, all manned by volunteers who are dressed the part and a bit like Father Christmas, greet fans and the bemused alike. It was a fantastic sight from the pub's dining room window we were in.

This is the rock through this cutting....

This is shaped blocks alongside the rock from previous centuries.

Then on the extreme right you can see todays maintenance to support the cutting

A short distance along substantial repairs to this section.

A carved out roof

A great view of where they carved the tunnel 

This is an interesting bridge, was the middle section to stabilise the structure?

Looks like a later addition, telephone wires now disconnected.

We were told about this pub miles and miles away, its famous locally.   HERE   Although its a pub, its is how its always been since it was built in mid victorian times.  Inside it has what look like high backed church pews, one is curved and has its back to the door so as to protect the customers from any draught.  I would have liked to have taken some pictures of the interior but it seemed rude to.  We met Olive, the Landlady who has been there since the 1960's I think.
Its absolutely fascinating.

Beautiful gate onto the canal towpath.  I love gates.

This was the pretty sunset walking back to WaL that night.

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