Friday 21 April 2017

Short day, nice lunch and about 100 metres travelled

A pretty short trip day today distance wise, main trip was down to the water point at Foxton, no one there I should hastily say.  David washed the roof and I was in charge of the hose.  I was in charge of the hose last time we played this game when David had a sense of humour failure so today he put on full wet weather gear,  I responded by accidentally soaking myself.  But we did end up with a partially clean boat, just the one side that is.

Approaching 11am we sidled into the basin to meet good friends Ed and Jane.  These are a marvellous couple who run a stunningly good B&B in the vicinity of Crick which we stayed in several times when visiting the Crick Boat Show leading up to ordering our WaL.  They are a farming couple as are we plus our "Boat Sharers" Amanda & David are farming too so lots in common and friendships grew.  Indeed last year they drove to Wales to join us to go over that aquaduct "Pontiwhatnot"  actually Ed has Welsh family roots so the trip did double up.

So today they arrived bearing gifts as always, today a whole coffee cake and a bottle.
They live 12 minutes away and have never been to Foxton Locks, so today was a first.

I went to book in and was told to come on in as two boats were on their way down and we could wait in the middle pound.  

First lock of the year.

I don't really mind waiting in the pound but prefer for other shorter boats to wait as its a tad of a squash for us.

So we reached halfway and pulled over, Ed is a bit of a giant and lent a hand, the two boats turned into six I think in the end,  a hire boat with a deeply concentrating woman helming did a flawless pass, I complimented her but she was too deep in thought to hear, next was a boat owner had a bang and scrapped all the way along us, no word from him or even eye contact. 
In previous years I would have snarled, but now with WaL reaching her 5th birthday I am a bit calmer.

First of the boats to pass by, no tinks from this one

I couldn't quite get the full boat in, but the front button and back one were kinda wedged

I'm glad it wasn't me that only wrapped the middle rope around the bollard that came undone...  

Ed smiley and laughing. 

So we finally made it up to the top, with me explaining to the now walking Ed how it all works and a grease lightening volunteer who did all the paddles before you could say Jack Robinson.

We moored up at the top and bish bash bosh and we were in the pub at Gumley, I had fish&chips and shared chocolate pudding & cream with David.

They had to make a dash back to their busy farm, so David and I happily tootled down the hill on foot back to Debdale to collect the car to keep it handy for tomorrow.

Don't tell anyone but Leicestershire really is the most beautiful county.

If my wild flower consultant is still reading this blog maybe she could advise....?

These were fenced off in a private wood, which is probably why they are st stunning.

I think this is Red Robin or Ragged Robin or Robin of the hedge or Campion if I remember my Cecily Mary Barker correctly

Supper was a G&T with cheese.


  1. I am homesick for the canal and Foxton Locks! This time in two weeks we will be on board Waka Huia but still in the marina - loaded with baggage from NZ and groceries from Market Harborough, all waiting to be unpacked and stored away.
    What is the pub that you and David eat at near the marina? I think my David and I will need a pub dinner that night.

    1. Hello Marilyn from NZ at the moment, so I would say to you to keep the hire car for an extra day if practical, two places we love close by but too far to walk are The Bell at Gumley, Further afield is utterley fabulous there, we haven't YET been to its sister restaurant two roads away from it, is a fish restaurant. The Shoulder of Mutton in Foxton village did a great Chinese two years ago when we went, we never go to The Foxton Locks but have had good food at The Black Horse, also in Foxton Village, we haven't been there either for about two years.
      Finally, we have used Murphy's Taxi based at Foxton on 01858410210 who was reasonably priced at the time.
      Good luck and good flying!!

    2. Thanks for the info, Lisa,
      We have the car for a few days, in case shopping takes longer - I think we need to do a complete re-stock of the pantry as nothing will have survived in any fresh state (I'm thinking spices in particular) since we left in Oct 2015.
      Also need to buy salad plants and potting mix so the roof garden can be re-established!
      Now only 9 sleeps till we leave! Yay!!!

    3. In 2012, a daughter cleared out my larder at home, I had things in there from the previous millennium, I had fed yoghurt to David that he thinks was three months out of date but I think older and last year I found raspberries in the freezer from 1992 which he ate.
      2015....? Bah nothing to turn one of my hairs about!!!!


      At time of publication he still lives.

  2. Hi Lisa, Ha Ha! yes it looks like Cuckoo Flower, aka Lady's Smock, Milkmaids or Cardamine pratensis if you want to be formal! It likes damp meadows as you may have guessed, and I believe it is the food plant of the Orange Tip butterfly which you may have seen too. Best wishes for a good cruising season

    1. Thank you so much Debby, please feel free to comment and amend anything I name at any time. This blogger needs someone with sense.
      Hope you are well,
