Friday 5 July 2024

Right then, France.

Bonjour reader.
Fresh back from our trip of some hot boating.
The holiday was to south west France, where we all picked the boat up from Le Mas-d' Agenais, which is about 63 miles south east of Bordeaux.

This trip you might remember is a repeat of the trip eight of us took six years ago to the Burgundy region.

So for anyone thinking of doing something similar I would say that firstly you have to be good friends, secondly although eight people is a lot but also recommended as that makes plenty of hands on deck for duties and thirdly it helps to be a bit deaf, as the walls of the boat, well walls is putting it a bit strong, partitions on the boat are made of the same material as a fag packet, all sorts of noises.....

But we were all good friends and I am pleased to report that we all still are.

We set off on the canal which runs parallel to the River Garonne and was in spate after recent heavy rain.  We went south east towards the town of Agen.  

The first few days were overcast and I borrowed a down jacket, but this didn't last and soon the sun came out and by golly didn't we know about it then.

Avenues of plane trees.

So below is our bedroom, a double, big enough for one.  I am actually standing with my back against the cabin (cell) opposite, we had a tiny window that opened and a small rackedy fan.  Really a good idea to stay on good terms with your spouse

Our cabin, marginally bigger than the bed.

An odd pose but here David was hanging onto Lesley to make sure she stayed upright and dry.

The crew from L to R Joe, Andy, Lesley, David Lewis (ex Boat Sharer), Amanda and our superb captain Sarah.  All of us NB owners. 

This was the first day the sun came out, I think it was 32C, I was happy to walk between these spaced out locks under the trees.

Aqueduct over the Garonne river and into Agen. 

Nice shady trees.

Pretty rolling hills somewhere in SE France.

Another of the Garonne river, wide and fast flowing.

Lisa & Amanda sporting our new hats and by golly we were glad of them.

The Boat, David Lewis on the stern rope duty position.

A tricky manoeuvre to raise the fenders before we went into much narrower locks. 

After reaching Valance, we all went to the market to buy cheese and veg.  Cheese and wine played a large part of this holiday... Later from Valance we retraced our steps in the sweltering heat for the next couple of days and reached Buzet-sur Baise, that is Buzet on the river Baise.  Here there is a staircase flight manned by a lock keeper, down onto the river Baise.

First town we came to was Vianne.  Anyone interested in French-English C13th history might be interested to read


that it was built by the English when we ruled much of France, the town flag has three lions on it still.  You can stand in the centre and see the four gates and the fortified wall all around.   

The church was locked by the time I got there and I would have loved a poke about in there but no.

Approaching Vianne on the river, the lock is on the left and the free visitor moorings in the background with water, rubbish and leckkie. 

One of the gateways and the town wall superbly preserved.

David Lewis, David and Joe.

Too hot to sit up on deck for lunch so we cuddled up inside.

We had one coat between us, it was his turn to wear it.  He's being naughty standing on the seat.

Messing about on the river...

Our final town to visit was Nerac.  Anyone read Chocolat by Jane Harris?
Well she visited Nerac as a child and wrote book later, its another ancient town with the old centre pretty much unchanged.  

Out of shot is a high modern bridge over the river.  We four cuddled together to do a selfie including the boat behind and David's arm tipped Amanda's new hat over and it fluttered down onto the river, narrowly missing landing on a departing trip boat that was heading for Toulouse!  We all ran down and down to the river where all available hands jumped into action untying the ropes and pushing the boat out to rescue it before it sank. 

The splendid hat.  It survived.

That's our boat down there in full sun, I was waiting for David in the shade of the nearby restaurant but I felt my toes burning in the sun

Nerac Castle built in 1555 I think

Pack bridge and the lock beyond.

Nerac felt a bit like a film set in that you could imagine some big drama being filmed there.

All in all a big fun filled holiday with lovely friends, great food as supplied by Amanda and Lesley who created some wonderful dishes, the boat admirably helmed by Sarah, the entire holiday planned by Sarah.

  This was taken just before we all departed and suddenly the largest boat in the fleet looks a bit on the small size....



  1. Ha ha, I've just read Lollipop Shoes which is the sequel to Chocolat! We had a fab holiday once on the Canal du Midi with 6 friends, but that was in our distant youth....

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      I didn't even know there was a sequel! Thank you for the heads up, I will obtain and add it to my burgeoning collection of unread books.
      Boating in France is great fun distant youth or OAP's, the more hands the better as you all get a bit of time off.
      Thank you for responding,

  2. A lovely post with super photos. So glad my hat was saved. Only problem is that it is now on the boat and impossible to store. It will have to return to France. Going to buy a new Peak and Brim foldable one. c

  3. I've just brought 'Lollipop Shoes' as recommended, I'll lend it to you.
    Hat storage is a problem, I have some whoppers that I store in the spare room, but generally when it's as hot as France I'm inside or in the shade.
    Lisa x
