Friday 15 August 2014

Whaddya mean the waste tank is full......?

Now sadly, due to my age and daftness I have blogged recently out of sequence, its all nonsense so go with the flow Reader and it will all become clear in the end.

David had been up early and off on his bike all around the neighbouring villages, he had got a newspaper and milk.  What was stark was the white powder all over WaL.  Overnight rain had moved it and made a paste of multi rivulets but not washed it off at all.
So Melanie’s last day.  She has really enjoyed the break from her busy busy life on dry land and I have enjoyed her company and conversation.  Some tricky subjects have been covered, not least how far should western intervention in the middle east go, different degrees of rape, (A gulf of opinion here between some of us), prospect of Boris as PM, TV Programme Embarrassing Bodies, what can be done to help the seriously obese confined to bed, last but not least Scottish Independence, Phew.  
All of these were covered and I reckon we have solved most of them too.

So on we went this am.  Heading towards Sutton Wharf where we watered up and deposited the rubbish.  Then started on the great boat washing task started.  Him with his new long brush and me on hose pipe duties, too tempting not to spray him a bit either.  Yes Reader, on a water point too however this was a matter of urgency after all it was Lime powder, not good on the paint work.

It was covered, believe me.

OMG all of a sudden David looked at the waste tank, which he had thought half empty proved on inspection to be on 9.5 full.  No pump out here only cassettes.  He happened to speak to the next door boat who informed him that there were indeed no pump out services northwards from here.
Small amount of bad language followed, well yes you are right, quite a bit of bad language.  All in all this meant that we turn here and retrace our steps and return to the Ashby Boat Hire place.  
The nice man on the phone said if we could please arrive no earlier than 2pm as he was busy, I thanked him profusely.
So off we went backwards as it were.  A taxi ordered 
to return Melanie to the train station and sorry to see her go I was.  Till next time.

So David and I alone, it always seems so lonely when guest depart (Unless they brought a suitcase with them)…. 

We retraced our steps again this time heading north again, actually we landed back where we had spent the previous night!  A day getting precisely no-where.
A text from Melanie explaining that her trip home had coincided with rail closures for the entire weekend and Monday coming too had in fact taken her 6.5 hours, whereas her journey up had taken 2.5 hours.  Marvellous eh?

A skinny supper of griddled salmon, french beans and mini sweetcorn.

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