Friday 31 May 2024

Sunshine and pubs

Last night we sat out for supper in the warmth of the lovely spring day.  This is what happened next. 

The next day we went awalking.  Up the canal to the first bridge and sideways.
It was positively hot and I brought a sunhat into force and along the way we watched the first farmer to be cutting grass.  

So peaceful but these two had rock music BLARING out.


Look carefully and you can see WaL in the centre.  Beautiful countryside.

This is the entrance to the land slip works, not that much to see from here but you can make out the temporary "Road" they had to put in to access the canal. 

So who knew Brinklow had a castle?  Not me, But seeming David found it early one morning just as the sun was rising and here he is on the top of it.  Tiny bit awkward as on the top "Sunbathing" were a courting couple who weren't best pleased to see us..... at least he was topless and not her.

A Motte and Bailey construction

Brinklow church from the top.

We had a drink in both pubs and then ambled back to the mooring and WaL and enjoyed the lovely sun.  Brinklow's High Street is packed full of period cottages spanning hundreds of years, yet I neglected to photo any of them, sorry Reader.

Later the wife on the last boat to arrive was having pin trouble after some 70 year plus old hooligan boater on a vintage boat pulled her pins out of the ground.  David after a nudge in the ribs, went off to lendahand.

He stood there chatting to her for some considerable time and even after the husband returned with the dog post walk David kept on chatting to her.... The husband's body language told a story I can tell you, did David notice????  He did not and after about 40 minutes he ambled back.  Both boats from our marina and they were on a jaunt down to Oxford.

Another lovely warm evening without midges biting too.

Supper was cheese salad again to use up the bits left in the fridge.


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