Tuesday 8 August 2023

Flowers apples and beer.

Just for a change the weather was grey and dull, looked like it could possibly pour at any minute or indeed clear away and the sun come out.  The forecast  (Hahahahah)  actually said a day of downpour and gales.  This day had been especially chosen to nip over to the Staffs and Worcester canal where friends John and Louise on their NB Ploddin' Along were.  

They too had decided not to move due to the dreadful forecast.  We set off in the car, I needed my sunglasses....  a few drips of rain then it stopped.
Not long until we were knocking on the side of their boat where we were welcomed with wine, I grabbed a proffered glass before David had got into the saloon and before it was decided who was driving back.

We all talked the hind leg off a donkey and then enjoyed a fine supper (Or tea as Louise calls it but she is from the north).  

Later we played cards, Hearts, now it was only when I was being soundly thrashed that we realised that David and I haven't played this game since Verity and Mitch (Our daughter and SIL) left these shores to seek fame and fortune in his native New Zealand, that is a year ago in September and the good news is that they are returning for a visit in this September.  I took a while to talk about their departure without crying, I'm over that but of course now I well up when I think about seeing them again very soon.  

We had a lovely time with John and Louise and thank you both very much for your hospitality and probably see you next year.

Well of course I drove back, I have made serious efforts to stop screaming when David drives me, but I'm not there yet.

Supper was chili con carne and a risky lemon tart I took.  Risky as it clearly states unsuitable for freezing, guess who shoved it the freezer?  Yes correct not me.  But we ate it, no one died and I thought it was fine.  

But Reader you take your own risks with frozen lemon tarts, don't blame me.
Oh and by the way, no storm, hardly any rain just a bit plus no gales, we could have all boated but I'm very glad we didn't.  That's forecasts for you. 

Next day after a leisurely start, actually all the boats moored here bar one had moved before us and that one wasn't occupied, we set off to do the Addersley Locks.

Why I feel so fond and affectionate towards Addersley village and it's locks I do not know, but I do.  The countryside is green, undulating and very attractive.  The locals we've encountered are friendly and chatty too, but Addersley is too small for me to retire to.  Now Audlem on the other hand....

Its happened again Reader, I downloaded the photos and they have appeared on here in the wrong order.  If it was better 4G I'd do it again but it's not so bear with me and I'll label them correctly. 

HERE  is NB Percy, until recently a resident of Great Haywood marina, now relocated back from whence he came on the Shroppie.

NB Percy.  We have still not met Rachel and Nev despite sharing the same marina for 18 months.

There are several of these huge bridges on this canal.

This is the same one.

This lovely sign has been restored, I wish they all could be.


Autumnal or what?  Barely in August.  But it was a good year for the roses, perhaps that applies to blackberries too.

Damsons, I saw a tree laden and called for a dish.  When I looked they are not remotely ripe.  Very sad about that.

Scabious, reminds me of home where it grows on our farm.

At the same lock apples growing.

On the Addersley Flight.

Green damsons but masses of them coming.

Another of those leaking like there's no tomorrow lock gates.

More Pretties, but this was growing in the concrete so shouldn't really have been there.

Pinks and white.

Several of these along here, but I cannot see why any farmer would want a gate onto the tow path

These hirers had me in full sympathies when the lady crew said they were late and had to go down to the bottom of the Audlem flight to turn around to come back up and get back to their base.... I wondered if they might have been able to have turned in a pound but thought better of suggesting it lest they become wedged and the whole situation much worse.

We finished and headed down to Market Drayton.  Lovely period buildings on both sides as we walked into town but many shops closed or boarded up, it felt a bit "Poor" as my grandma would have said.  

We did find our way to the Joules Red Lion and Brewery though.

Half the building restored and the other half looks to be going to be restored.

The brewery at the rear.

The hops post brew are blown out of this pipe

Where it goes off for cattle feed.

How many have you been to?  We think five-ish.

The well now inside the pub.

My dad drove a car like that one outside the place back when I was a child, it went 70mph downhill and had leather seats.

Supper was salad and sausages.

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